In 2022, DYNAMIC renamed one of our College Leadership Scholarships in honor of Coach Daniel “DZ” Zeidman.
* Coach “DZ” works relentlessly with DYNAMIC to impact, inspire, and influence student-athletes as leaders on & off the field. DZ has served faithfully in DYNAMIC’s Outreach as a Pro Coach, Leadership Director, and Missions Team Leader for over 7 years.
* Daniel Zeidman’s work ethic, attention to detail, reliability, and excellent pro coaching are just the beginning of his life-changing influence on DYNAMIC Athletes. Coach DZ is really best known for his enthusiastic spirit, faith, and the love he pours out to everyone – starting with his family and extending to every DYNAMIC athlete. DZ is loyal friend and a brother who will walk with you through every valley and up every mountain in life.
* We are proud to announce that the 2022 Zeidman Leadership College Scholarship is being awarded to Trevor Weldon.
* Trevor Weldon graduated from Hilton Head Prep HS with 4.32 GPA and his headed to the U. of Miami (FL) to play football (Kicker/Punter) in the Fall 2022.
* Trevor is a faith-filled leader. He was a 5 year Varsity Football starter and served as Team Captain his Senior year. Trev also served as Vice President of Student Council, 5 years in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, raised funds to help their local Leukemia Society, and served overseas in Belize on Mission Trips with his church during 2 of his summers in high school. Trevor cares about people! His leadership has been felt, heard, and experienced by his peers on and off the field.
* Congrats to Trevor (and his family – Corinne and Chris) on the scholarship and all the awards and Trevor received on and off the field this year. We know Trevor will continue to represent DYNAMIC well as a student-athlete leader at the University of Miami (FL).